The Stream is a rich and reliable source for breaking news, analysis, and inspiration. A champion for life, freedom, and unity in the Body of Christ, The Stream was launched to equip Christians to think clearly about the moral, political, and economic issues of the day. The Stream brings together many voices from among Evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Christians, and offers deep wisdom and insight through original content and the best from across the web.
The mission of The Stream is to help people of faith wrestle with the difficult issues facing our nation and culture and inspire them to action. The Stream seeks to unite the divided and seek the common good. The ultimate goal of The Stream is to inspire a national, spiritual renewal.
The Stream is dedicated to the proposition that widespread political, economic and religious freedom sprang from the cultural soil of the Christian West for a reason and is unsustainable apart from that soil. The Stream affirms and promotes the truth that freedom divorced from virtue cannot long endure.