Fearless Faith Conference
Greg Koukl, Alisa Childers, Frank Turek, & others

February 16, 2024

Xenia, OH

6:30 PM
➢ Greg Koukl, an award-winning writer and best-selling author, including Tactics, The Story of Reality, and Street Smarts; Greg is also an accomplished broadcaster, presenter, and the founder and president of Stand to Reason. ➢ Alisa Childers, an accomplished Christian singer and now acclaimed author of a best-selling Another Gospel, Live Your Truth and Other Lies, and her new book, The Deconstruction of Christianity, is the host of a wildly popular Youtube channel and podcast at Alisa Childers.com. ➢ Frank Turek, a gifted and engaging speaker; an author of several popular and award-winning books, including I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, Stealing from God, and Hollywood Heroes. Frank is the founder and president of Cross Examined.org.
Fearless Faith Schedule click here for tickets

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