4th Thursday (2024 May)
Apologetics & Polemics with Emily Morales
May 23, 2024
Kettering, OH
7:00 PM
Emily Morales works for Moody Institute in Chicago creating online courses and has written 75 artices for Salvo Magazine, and presented at Apologetics Fellowship recently on Apologetcs & Polemics.
Fundamentalism (J Gresham Machen) -vs- Modernism/Liberalism/Progressivism (Immanuel Kant 1724-1804, Friedrich Schleiermacher 1768-1834, Walter Rauschenbusch 1861-1918, Harry Fosdick 1878-1969)
H. L. Mencken's Obituary of J. Greham Machen
He saw clearly that the only effects that could follow diluting and polluting Christianity in the Modernist manner would be its complete abandonment and ruin. Either it was true or it was not true. If, as he believed, it was true, then there could be no compromise with persons who sought to whittle away its essential postulates, however respectable their motives.
Christianity and Liberalism a 100 year old (free) book that seems written yesterday!
The fundamentals of Fundamentalism:
inspiration of the Bible by the Holy Spirit and the inerrancy of Scripture
virgin birth of Christ & historical reality of Christ's miracles
belief that Christ's death was an atonement for sin
bodily resurrection of Christ